Monday, July 26, 2010

Grandmother's Garden Quilt

For my first post I thought I would show off my latest obsession, er... project. I have begun making a grandmother's garden quilt.
For those of you who have never heard of a grandmother's garden quilt, it is a quilt made up entirely of hexagons sewn together at the edges. The process used to make this quilt is called 'English paper piecing'. I will post a tutorial about how to do english paper piecing later on. (I promise!)
I started out with the goal of making a queen sized quilt for our guest bedroom, but my husband convinced me that it might be a better idea to do a smaller, baby-sized, quilt since its my first one. I will not be purchasing any fabrics for this quilt, I want to make it using only scraps and old materials. I had a few scraps lying around from previous projects, and my mom graciously allowed me to snag some old pillow cases and sheets from the house. I remember all of these fabrics from when I was a kid, so they have special memories attached.
I plan on using the pretty blue with the tiny white flowers (far left) as the filler between my hexagon flowers, and the yellow gingham as the quilt backing. I also read a super cute idea recently about binding your quilt by sandwiching two hexagons together on either side of the quilt and stitching like normal.

On that note... I will show off the few flowers I have made so far and let you admire them until I post more (ha!)
My Kitties love to help. This is Allison by the way.

I had to wrestle the hexagons away from Allison so I could take photos tonight.
Great advice from an aunt:

1. You should punch holes in your paper hexagons. Once you have sewn all 6 sides, you can insert a tool of some sort, like a crochet hook or pencil into the hole and pop the paper out.

2. Traditionally, the center of the flower is yellow. The first round (6 attached to the yellow) is of the flower color. The second round is green. Then, the flowers are hooked together, not directly, but with another hexagon, usually brown, called the garden path.

See the awesomeness I learn when I share what I know, haha :) Thanks Aunt Julie

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